Ready to take control of your career?

Join The Move Up Mindset Career Community
with Mary Despe --
a private members-only group offering you wise career development and job search help without breaking the bank!

Your one-stop shop for fresh, witty and smart career support & expert perspective!

There's a lot of career and job search advice out there.

But how do you know that any of it
really works?

We know how hard it can be to navigate the job search process, so we’ve developed this private Community to give you the interaction, support, tools and resources you need to succeed. 


Whether you’re just starting out or pivoting into a new direction, our actionable content, coaching, discounted classes
and services will help you get the traction and results you want.

Coming to you from a Seasoned Hiring & Recruitment Pro with close to 20 years of experience from both the candidate & employer sides of the table!

✨ What You'll Receive: ✨

1:1 Coaching Sessions (45 minutes) - once a quarter with Career Coach

LinkedIn profile and Resume review & debrief session with Career Coach


DISC Assessment test

Weekly live events, including Ask Me Anything/Office Hours with a Career Coach or other Hiring professional. Typically we have a topic for these closed-group sessions, but you can come on and ask any question pertaining to hiring, job search, career development.

Quarterly Live Masterclass on popular career development, professional advancement, job search topics for Community members only usually every other month, hosted by Mary and her special guest experts. We also schedule Networking events with other professionals and industry representatives each quarter.

Selected access to online courses on The Move Up Mindset Career Community at no cost to you
(limited selection, released at specific times of year)

Access to an insider's perspective on how candidates are really recruited, interviewed and hired from a Recruiting Pro who has built teams at global companies for over two decades

Interactive, secure online forum just for Community members 

Member-Only Discounts on online courses, services & coaching packages at throughout the entire year at 25% off of pricing on all products (online courses, services, and digital downloads. Does not apply to Premiere Membership cost). 

By joining The Move Up Mindset Career Community, you’ll be ready to take the job hunt by storm with confidence and assuredness... and without breaking the bank!

Don't Wait! Join the Community Today!

Join our private community today to receive the support and interaction you need in your job and career advancement journey!



The Move Up Mindset Career Community Premier



billed annually

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